- . . , . , . geobotanika@rambler.ru - ( ). . , ­ . . 0,6­1,2º. 400­600 . , - . . (-..., 1964, , 1966). ( Querco-Fagetea, Brachypodio pinnati-Betuletea pendulae). Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. 207 , 2004­2005 . - (Braun-Blanquet, 1964; , , 1998). TURBOVEG (Hennekens, 1995). TWINSPAN (Hill,1979) MEGATAB (Hennekens, 1995). , , ­ . . MOLINIO-ARRHENATHERETEA R. Tx. 1937 em. R. Tx. 1970 ARRHENATHERETALIA R.Tx. 1931 Cynosurion R.Tx. 1947 Anthoxantho-Agrostietum tenuis Sill. 1933 em. Jurko 1969 Deschampsio-Festucetum pratensis Mirk. in Denisova et al. 1986 30 CARICI MACROURAE-REPIDETALIA SIBIRICAE Ermakov et al. 1999 Polygonion krascheninnikovii Kashapov 1985 Bistorta major GALIETALIA VERI Mirk. et Naumova 1986 Trifolion montani Naumova 1986 Amoria montana PLANTAGINETEA MAJORIS R. Tx. et Preising in R. Tx. 1950 PLANTAGINETALIA MAJORIS R. Tx. (1947) 1950 Polygonion avicularis Br.-Bl. 1931 Poo pratensis-Plantaginetum majoris Ish. in Mirk. et al. 1986 GALIO-URTICETEA Passarge 1967 LAMIO ALBI-CHENOPODIETALIA BONI-HENRICI Kopecky 1969 Aegopodion podagrariae R. Tx. 1967 Chaerophylletum prescotii Klotz et Köck 1986 . - 1 2 3 4 ,% 90 90 80 100 , 34 70 25 40 20 13 95 35 44 44 36 44 .. Bistorta major Veratrum lobelianum . r . Vr-3 Bistorta major + + . Vr-2 Trollius europaeus II + . Vr-2 .. Agrostio tenuis-Anthoxanthetum odorati . r Anthoxanthum odoratum II V Prunella vulgaris II V V III Agrostis tenuis II III IV I .. Deschampsio-Festucetum pratensis Alchemilla vulgaris V+-2 V1-2 IV I Deschampsia cespitosa V+-2 Vr-3 IV . .. Amoria montana Fragaria viridis + II II V Amoria montana r I I IV Centaurea scabiosa . II I IV .. . Poo pratensis-Plantaginetum majoris Polygonum aviculare . . r . Poa annua . . r . Capsella bursa-pastoris . . + . 5 80 20 9 13 . . . . II . I II . . . V+-3 V+-2 V 6 100 190 5 17 . . . . . . I . . . . . . . 31 1 2 3 .. Chaerophylletum prescotii Chaerophyllum prescotti II . + Urtica dioica . . r Heracleum sibiricum II II I 4 . r + 5 . . . 6 V1-4 V V : (+ (1­10%), I (11­20%), II (21­40%), III (41­60%), IV (61­80%), V (81­100%)). .. ­ . Bistorta major ( 1, 1) , . . Bistorta major . Anthoxantho-Agrostietum tenuis Sill. 1933 em. Jurko 1969 ( 1, 2) , , - . Deschampsio-Festucetum pratensis Mirk. in Denisova et al.1986 ( 1, 3) , , . , . Amoria montana ( 1, 4) , - , . ­ , . Poo pratensis-Plantaginetum majoris Ish. in Mirk. et al. 1986 ( 1, 5) , , . . . Chaerophylletum prescotii Klotz et Köck 1986 ( 1, 6) , . 32 , Chaerophyllum prescotti. , - . . , , , . , , , . , ,. .. . . , 1966. 124 . - / . . . 16. . 1. , 1964. . 54­59. ., .. ( . : , 1998. 413. Braun-Blanquet J. Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzuge der Vegetationskunde. 3 Anfl. Wien-New York: Springer. Verlag, 1964. 865 s. Hennekens S.M. TURBO(VEG). Software package for input processing and presentation of phytosociological data USER'S guide // IBN-DLO Wageningen et university of Lancaster, 1995. 70 p. Hill M.O. TWINSPAN ­ A FORTRAN program of for arranging multivariate data in an ordered two-way table by classification of individuals and attributes // New-York, 1979. 90 p. « » . .*, . .**, . .* * , . -, . ecology@marsu.ru ** « », . -, . kakshan@yoshkar-ola.ru « » 1993 . ­ , 40 . -. , 33